Monday, January 02, 2006

Is this sign really necessary? Who in their right mind would try to pet or hold an alligator?

...nevermind... ;)

Dave and I spent our day off in the Everglades today! I know it's only been a week since Cruisegate '05... I know we swore we'd never get on a boat again without dramamine... but this was an airboat. Nice and smooth. And yes... the theme song to CSI: Miami did keep running through my head.

We saw some killer (stuffed) raccoons!

As adventurous as we are... No, we did not try an order of the snack shop's Gator Nuggets...

We enjoyed shooting pictures of all the wildlife...

And we took care not to be shot...

Later, We donned our coonskin caps (not really)...

...and went out for Sushi (really)! Mmmm.... For all you Miamians, goto Sushi Ko on Bird rd just west of the Palmetto! Best-sushi-ever!

There are plenty more photos of our day on our flickr site! Oh, and in case you forgot...

Hartman is super cute!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cute kitty