Monday, October 29, 2007

I wish I had more time to blog about this weekend! I need to get to bed though. I will say I won 1st place for funniest costume at my family's outrageously cool Halloween party Saturday!

Dave dressed up as Stargate Atlantis character Col John Shepard:
We weren't really expecting people at the party to have any idea who Dave was dressed as... but then a zombie approached and asked "Flanigan?". Joe Flanigan is the actor who plays Shepard on Atlantis! Turns out this guy runs MGM's official Stargate website. Oh, LA, how I love you!


Anonymous said...

hi! my name's stefanie, i'm a camera assistant from canada but working in uk. i have a question for you - does it really matter how tall you are if you want to do camera? i get so much shit from people because i'm only 5'3", and i've gotten used to wearing 4 inch heels while working just to avoid it. is height really that important, or is this just men being weird? thanks!!! stef

AMO said...

I've known plenty of photogs who are around your height. Do whatever you want to do and forget about all those 5'4+ guys. ;P

Stefanie said...

thanks amo :)