Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Here's a hillarious video my friend Phillip made for the holiday season! He contributes to Funny or Die-- so be sure and vote 'funny'!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We made the finals for the Stargate video contest! I'll post here after they announce the grand prize winner!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Watch my friend, Mark, sing all the countries of the world (circa 1991)!

Learn how to properly crush a styrofoam cup from my Great Aunt Ag!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Happy Birthday, Mom!! I love you!! You're the best!! :)
As you all can see, I had a pretty darn good day on Wednesday! Leonard Nimoy is a really nice guy! The picture cut off my left hand which was telling everybody to 'live long and prosper'. Hey, you gotta give me credit. I didn't geek out until my work was done!
Nimoy Trivia tidbit: Did you know Leonard kept his Spock ears from the final day of shooting TOS (The Original Series)?
Facial Recognition
Malkoff Trivia: Did you know Leonard Nimoy is the celebrity Dave most looks like according to this facial recognition website?

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Last weekend I went to the Stargate Convention in Burbank!
I finally got to meet Michael Shanks who plays Daniel on the show. Great news! Daniel is heading to Atlantis next season for an episode or two!
Hartman was ecstatic to hear the news. She's always been a little partial to Daniel.

After the con we went to Michael's movie premiere! It turned out fantastic!

Look! I'm in one of the production photos. :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

This is sure to bring a smile to everybody! I can't get enough of these cats!

Friday, November 16, 2007

After yo-yo-ing back and forth between being up a little in Vegas and then down a little, we decided we should stop while we were almost even again... But then, I heard this little voice calling me... I thought it sounded like Eric Cartman...

"Oh ,hi, Angie! What cha doin way over there? Why don't you come play with me? Just one last time? Hmm? C'mon, You know you want to!"


It turned out to be the Wheel of Fortune machine! I tried to ignore it, but it just kept calling. Before you all think I have some sort of gambling problem you should know I was down less than $20. haha. So I decided, what thet heck. One last attempt to SPIN!
Woohoo!! I won $100!! *balloons* *balloons* *balloons*! It will all be spent tomorrow at the big Stargate Con.
Yeah, I know... I'm outrageously cool. :D

Speaking of Stargate: The deadline is approaching for the Superfan Video Contest I entered. The 5 with the most views are automatically entered to the top 10! Mine is doing pretty good, but every view helps! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Awesomely cool things:
The view from our hotel room in Vegas...
A 100% CHOCOLATE Mandalay Bay at the Gaming Convention...
Brand new Star Trek slot machines featuring a Gorn...
Also awesomely cool, Dave got to mention the Gorn on television...
Sulu's wings with spicy asian chili sauce from Quark's at the Star Trek Experience...
The convention center accidentally turned off the power moments before our live shot.... AWESOME, haha

Be sure to check back. Saturday is going to be a big day! :)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Okay, Wii Guitar Hero is waaaaaay too much fun! We were at Mark and Aimee's playing it and some other addictive games till 4AM!

I'm off to Las Vegas for a story tomorrow. Yay! I'm going to drop a $20 in the Wheel of Fortune machine. I'll let you know how that turns out. :)

Saturday, November 10, 2007


Dave and I were cracking up as we re-watched 'Arena'! Prepare yourselves to see the "worst fight scene ever"!:
We're back from the beautiful Vasquez rocks!
Turns out there are some interesting characters hanging out at the rocks. This poor soldier was bombed by a few birds on his Vasquez journey. And get a load of these 2 weirdos:

1) I bet you had no idea Blackberries could be used as phasers. 2) I'm sure you now realize you seriously underestimated the depths of our geekdom. In fact, as I type this, Dave has put on Star Trek the original series episode 'Arena'. Why? Here is your answer:

I'm going to go watch Star Tre---uhm---I have very important business to attend to now.... bye! *races off*

Thursday, November 08, 2007

One of the big stories I've been working on for the past month aired Friday night. That means I can blog about it! woohoo! The small picture you see is of the brain eating amoeba that has killed several people this year. It's extremely rare to become infected, but there has been a spike in cases-- and it is nearly %100 fatal. Shari actually tracked down a survivor who was infected as a little girl in 1978. She was infected at Deep Creek Hot Springs-- a nudist hot springs. Yes, I went there to get video of the springs a couple of days ago. And yes, Shari and I had quite an adventure!
After our 3 hour drive (in which we certainly did not get lost due to poor signage or need to use our 4 wheel drive to handle the crazy treacherous "roads" that in no way jostled us about like an 8.9 quake on the richter scale)-- we finally arrived at our destination! No, not the Springs. First you have to drive to Bowen Ranch. It was blocked off with fences, rope, and no trespassing signs and sports what appeared from the "road" as a shack with some broken down trucks from the 40s rusting away out front. (This would be the reason we passed it the first time).

This, is where you get your map (actually what the map looked like above) to the springs to begin either your leisurly 12 mile roundtrip gentle hike or your intensely steep 4 mile round trip hike. We decided on the intense 4 mile hike. How steep could it be?

Above is Shari after pretending to have locked the keys in the car in the middle of nowhere! (forrest is closed due to the recent fires). She had me laughing! (really, I'm not one to get stressed. I thought it was funny!).

I'm sure the rest of this sign at the trail head didn't say anything important.
The hike was so beautiful! There were areas you really didn't want to lose your footing, but it wasn't too bad...until...


Mount Sepia Tone! The picture from my cell phone doesn't really do this justice. You can see Shari down below. The loose, sandy, gravely mountain was very difficult to climb. A couple climbed past us and Shari asked, "Is this really how everybody gets to the springs!?". "Oh, no," the man replied, "We call this the MOFO!". Yes, Shari and I were in the middle of tackling the Mofo!
I'm going to cut this story short. Dave and I are going to go climb the Vasquez rocks! So, long story short, we successfully climbed the Mofo, almost got back to the car without getting off on a different trail, Made it back before the 24/7 coverage from cable networks began: Search for the "Missing NUDE Hot Springs Journalists". :) Have a great weekend! I'll bring back pics from Vasquez!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!
Here is my video for the Stargate Atlantis Superfan contest! Even if you know nothing of Stargate, you may find it funny. :)
Thanks go out to Pam, Michael, Cydney, Sawyer and Meredith for giving up their Sunday to be in this. Also, thanks to my hubby for shooting a lot of it because I am actually in this one!

Please watch it! The 5 videos with the most views are automatically entered in the finals!

Monday, October 29, 2007

I wish I had more time to blog about this weekend! I need to get to bed though. I will say I won 1st place for funniest costume at my family's outrageously cool Halloween party Saturday!

Dave dressed up as Stargate Atlantis character Col John Shepard:
We weren't really expecting people at the party to have any idea who Dave was dressed as... but then a zombie approached and asked "Flanigan?". Joe Flanigan is the actor who plays Shepard on Atlantis! Turns out this guy runs MGM's official Stargate website. Oh, LA, how I love you!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

And now, some words of wisdom from Yoda about covering the California wildfires:

"When blow the Santa Ana winds do-- Pee behind bushes you do not" --Yoda

It's a fact of life in the field that when big breakers happen, you just gotta hold it. But when it's a natural disaster and you're pulling doubles-- you improvise. We all (especially us girls) have stories to tell (don't worry, I won't) about those improvisations...

It's been a busy week as you can imagine! My buddy BeFrank has blogged about the fires, (and there's a picture of yours truly on there) so check it out!

I have to go prepare for the big Stargate shoot tomorrow!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hartman loves sunning or 'cooking' as we call it. Her black fur gets so super hot we tell her she is going to burn!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's come to my attention that some people took my 'stuck in an elevator' post seriously:
I WAS stuck in an elevator for 15 minutes with Mary. We DID crack jokes about the BUZZZZ. The security guard who opened the doors WAS like the incredible Hulk....However, the cast of Full House DID NOT deliver a baby. In fact, Bob Saget, the Olsen twins, John Stamos and a pregnant lady WERE NOT even in the elevator. That part was a parody of 80s sitcom cliches. You know, every show back then had someone either giving birth while stuck in an elevator or in a Taxi cab. I'll be more clear in the future when I'm joking, hehehe :)
Dave took some great photo's of Hartman this morning!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Look at what has arrived!:

The autographed Stargate SG1 200th episode script I won last December in an online Stargate video contest!!

It's autographed by all the cast (with 2 exceptions) and all the writers! Woohoo!
There were a few hand written notes on the script, so this was an actual shooting script-- not just a re-print.
Also arriving is the Stargate Atlantis costume I won from the last Stargate video contest! Yeah, it wasn't autographed like they said it would be... but I'm totally over it. Since it's not autographed, I'm going to use it in my next video-- which I just finished writing tonight! I'm really excited about this one. I'm sure you all are too. ;)

My friend, Phillip, who was in my last Stargate video is making some waves:

He did this spoof on the guy who made the recent youtube classic 'Leave Brittney alone!' called 'Leave General Petraeus Alone!'. Now he contributes to Funny or Die!
Phillip Wilburn on MySpace
He was featured on myspace! Oh yeah, and did I mention his video was featured on Countdown with Keith Olberman?
And in another episode of 'Angie's Friends Kicking Butt', our San Francisco friends entered a little contest called the 48 hour film project. When I say little, I mean gigantically huge. It's a national contest and they won the whole thing! And when I say the whole thing, I mean $10,000! Click below to see their winning entry!