Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Yay! For the 2nd time since we've moved into our new place in January, taking a shower has cause water to spew out from the seams of our toilet! (and yes, that is a baday next to our john) Not only flooding our bathroom--

---but also our bedroom! Yay for wet moldy bedrooms! Oh but it gets even better: We can't use EITHER bathroom because when you flush our guest bathroom toilet it sends--ahem--stuff--spewing out of our bathtub drain causing a mess in the tub. Oh, but it gets even better:
Shortly after the great flood of '06, the vet called and said Hartman has ringworms and needs a medicated shampoo bath. I guess a certain someone will no longer be able to go outside! She did NOT enjoy the bath! Her eyes say "I hate you", but her bandana says "take pictures of me because I'm soooo cute!". Great news for you little Hart, you get up to 4 more medicated shampoo baths in the coming month!

There's a new tv news drama on the WB premiering right now. I've only watched half of the show, but so far Pepper Dennis, the reporter for whom the show is named for, has thrown a newspaper at an old lady--tripping her--so she could get an exclusive interview with her, loaned a station news camera to her sister, dropped the f-bomb live on the air to which the news director brought her flowers and she's still employed. It's so bad, it funny! :)


Anonymous said...

I think your sewer is connected to the house, senate and executive buildings in Washington. They have overloaded the system and since your place is downhill from there, well you get the picture....

Anonymous said...

Looks like I left just in time - ha ha! Yeah, you need to call roto-rooter or somebody. I had the same problem in my downstairs bathroom last summer - not once, but three times! They finally told me don't use Charmin (which I had just started using) - it plugs sewer lines. It's best to use 1-ply tissue. I swear after I stopped using Charmin, no problems!

AMO said...

We do use Charmin, but we always have! Turns out we had a bad seel on the toilet. IT's fixed now so hopefully there will be no more great floods!

watchwhathappens said...

1.) kick the ass of the management company

2.) it's bidet (french, yo)

3.) my cat kelsea had ringworm. it's not a worm, it's a fungus, and i got it too (from him), so watch to see if you get it because it's very contagious and you have to get a cream to get rid of it - won't go away on its own.

4.) that is all.